Functions of IQAC
- To assess the functioning of all the departments (academic and administration).
- To provide necessary suggestions for the betterment of performance of the departments.
- To file data on various aspects of departmental functioning and the individuals.
- To provide staff and student support services.
- To promote the use of Information & Communication Technology.
- To Install and sensitize the automation in variety of fields.
- To scrutinize the Research proposals before applying the project to the funding agencies.
- To help in compilation of the Magazine of the college.
- To organize internal workshops this enhances the quality of both the teaching & learning.
- To develop a Quality System to improve the academic & administrative performance of the college.
- To promote measures towards quality enhancement imbibing quality culture and best practices.
- To guide various faculty/ Departments to innovate and to suggest them the techniques of maximum utilization of available resources of the college.
More Information
- About IQAC
- Accreditation & Ranking
- Activities of IQAC
- AQAR Reports Year Wise
- Best Practices
- Coordinator of IQAC
- Cross Cutting Issues
- Feedback
- Functions of IQAC
- Green Audit
- Important Database
- Institutional Distinctiveness
- IQAC Contact
- Know our Faculty
- Links
- Minutes of IQAC
- Miscellaneous
- Objectives of IQAC
- Procedure & Policy
- Program By IQAC
- Program Outcomes & Course Outcomes
- Reservation Rule
- Self Study Report (SSR)
- Students Survey
- Time Tables
- Undertaking
- Vision Mission